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UNP Strategy

Our Mission

University Neighborhood Partners brings together University and west side people and resources in reciprocal learning, action, and benefit — a community coming together.

Our Vision

The University and west side neighborhoods share a vision of a community woven together through partnerships based on mutual empowerment, discovery, and learning rooted in diverse life experiences. By addressing systemic barriers to educational success, these collaborative partnerships foster increased access to higher education for west side residents, a University enriched by its involvement in the broader community, and an enhanced quality of life for all involved.

Our Values

  • UNP is committed to mutual respect, empowerment, and learning rooted in diverse life experiences.
  • Understanding and knowledge are furthered by the open, active, and mutual sharing of information and resources.
  • Multiple kinds of knowledge and life experiences are central to address social, community, and University issues.
  • Knowledge is power and must be available to everyone.
  • It is the right of all people to have access to the greatest range of opportunities; it is the choice of each individual how to utilize these opportunities.

Strategic Priorities

Priority 1: Interweaving for Deeper Impact

Deepen the impact of UNP-supported partnerships through a stronger interweaving of west side neighborhoods, the University of Utah, and influential institutions around shared questions, priorities, and successful models.

Strategy 1: Depth & Sustainability
Identify partnerships and strategies that are effective and have momentum. Focus on deepening that work and creating structures to support partnership sustainability.

Strategy 2: Partnership Capacity
Support partners and partnerships in building their capacity to take on roles related to convening, goal setting, assessment, and evaluation.

Strategy 3: Horizontal & Vertical Integration
Increase communication, resource sharing, and collaboration horizontally — across partnerships, sectors of the community, and stakeholders — and vertically, across levels of decision-making.

Strategy 4: Knowledge Building
Deepen our shared knowledge base through community-engaged research focused on the work and priorities of partnerships.


Priority 2: Resident Leadership

Amplify the leadership and engagement of west side residents in defining, creating, and participating in the evolution of the west side.

Strategy 1: Representation in Institutions
Increase the representation and influence of youth and adult residents on decision-making bodies so that these bodies reflect the richness and diversity of west side communities.

Strategy 2: Resident Leadership Networks
Foster networks and spaces through which resident leaders of all ages and backgrounds can access resources and engage in mutual support, learning, action, and partnership.

Strategy 3: Leadership & Wellbeing
Increase the capacity of west side neighborhoods, the University, and local institutions to sustain the wellbeing of resident leaders and the broader community.

Strategy 4: Participatory Research
Facilitate university-neighborhood research projects that include residents as researchers, addressing resident-defined priorities.

Priority 3: Education Pathways

Enhance opportunities for people to achieve their goals and contribute to community through diverse, equitable, culturally responsive, and transformative educational pathways.

Strategy 1: Mutual Learning
Increase opportunities for postsecondary students and educators to collaborate with pre-K-12 students and educators in mutual learning, inspiration, and empowerment. 

Strategy 2: Family-School Collaboration
Strengthen the capacities of families and educational institutions to build trusting relationships with one another, and create opportunities for collaboration.

Strategy 3: Decreasing Barriers to Education
Strengthen hubs and networks — in our neighborhoods and at the University — through which partners can collaboratively address the multi-level barriers people face to accessing educational opportunities.

Strategy 4: Lifelong Education
Support education institutions and community groups in creating and connecting learning opportunities, through which individuals of all ages can define and further personal, professional, and community goals.

Priority 4: Engagement & Understanding

Engage and communicate more effectively with the University, west side neighborhoods, and broader audiences in ways that increase understanding, encourage participation, and influence the work of others who could learn from UNP and its partners.

Strategy 1: Sharing Knowledge
Disseminate knowledge from the work of UNP, and the partnerships it supports, through academic and practice-oriented outlets at the local, state, and national level.

Strategy 2: Campus Engagement
Increase engagement and presence on campus, while improving the University’s understanding of UNP and the partnerships it supports.

Strategy 3: Storytelling
Engage partners in sharing their stories of partnership work, impact, and the life of west side neighborhoods. 

Strategy 4: Communication
Establish consistent, authentic messaging and communication techniques that speak to UNP’s diverse audiences and stakeholders.

A Community Coming Together

UNP Long-Range Plan 2019-2024

Plan Graphic

Check out the graphic version of the UNP Long-Range Plan 2019-2024